Ode to Zorbs

Zorb-la! Enfanning, oh zorblings!
Zorb-la! Enfanning, oh zorblings!
Who somethings in the twilight, who sweetly twinkles,
Zorb-la! Enfanning zennily!
Zorb-la! Zaggish zorblings ringing out through silence!
Zorb-la! Ozaniest zorblings ringing, calling wildly!
Somethings, somethings,
Enzorb, enzorb, enzorbs! Zealy, zealy,
Enzingening, enzingening.
Zorb-la! Enfanning, oh zorblings!
Zorb-la! Enfanning, oh zorblings!

"Ode to Zorbs" - September 2022.
Created by William M. Peaster.
Poem adapted from "Incantation by Laughter" by Velimir Khlebnikov.