VIVE! 🧵 33 GENE$1S


That's the name of my debut album, and this painting is the cover.

It's been hand-painted by Sergio Menasché, legendary Argentinian master of fileteado. It took Sergio and I a full month to sketch the idea, deeply exploring how we could visually express the lyrical and sonic themes of this album.

"VIVE!" is an existential and philosophical piece–a journey that I started after a close encounter with death nine years ago. I hope this album feels like a companion, holding your hand and gently listening to your thoughts. It is not a work that delivers answers, but rather explores questions. And I hope that within the intervals, between words and sounds, you can start to see the paths that my own thoughts followed.

I worked with more than 40 musicians on "VIVE!", from an Argentinean Andean flute player to an entire orchestra, all of whom recorded their music remotely with my direction.

I want "VIVE!" to be held by truth seekers–people who want to squeeze the most from every minute of their lives, but also those who are searching for reason or purpose. I believe it’s an album for anyone who’s invested in examining the deeper questions in life and daring to contemplate the complexities of mortality.

I hope you enjoy the close-ups of this album cover art. I love seeing the details and how tactile and textured a painting can be when it's created by hand.

Baby Yors